Committee Chair, Vice-Chair, Liaison, & Members
- Chairperson – Kate Morgan
- Vice-Chairperson – Jenny Kitchings
- Executive Committee Liaison – Jim Hivner
- Members – Sam Christensen, Ed Hosken, Lilia Oquendo-Solis, Deana Williamson
- Standing Committees
(d) List of Committees
(13) Site Selection Committee. The purpose of this committee is to solicit potential hosts for future annual meetings, to evaluate invitations from states, and to make appropriate recommendations to the Executive Committee.
Operational Guidelines
1. Notify all members in the October issue of The Docket that the Conference will entertain invitations from all members to host a conference. Advise previous hosts that they are not precluded from making an offer.
2. Provide information to prospective hosts to assist in obtaining bids from local venues. Request detailed information from all persons making an offer concerning hotel rates, conference space needed, equipment, etc. If possible, get a copy of bid from hotel being considered.
3. In coordinating with prospective hotels, the proposed conference dates should be determined as follows: normally, the conference will be held from Sunday through Friday of the first full week of August. If these dates are unavailable, the membership may be polled as to other available dates and the Executive Committee shall make the final determination.
4. If possible, one or more members of the Site Selection Committee may visit the site/sites being considered, depending on location and fund availability.
5. Selections to be based on: receipt of invitation, geographical location, accessibility, cost of conference and attendees, and attractions in the general area.
6. Advise the state that has been selected as the choice of the committee that its selection is being sent to the Executive Committee for approval.
7. As soon as possible, provide written notification to states not selected, and request that they renew their offer at a later date.
8. Transfer all previous offers and pertinent information to the incoming chairperson of the committee.
The manual that is being prepared by the Convention Assistance Committee should be made available to the Site Selection Committee for their use in making a selection.
Documents Archive
March 4, 2024
June 27, 2024
Site Survey Form: This is a fillable PDF form with questions to evaluate a proposal to host an NCACC annual conference.